Common Misconceptions About iPhone Water Damage Repairs



Coffee spilled? Unlucky fall from the pool? An iPhone that has been water-damaged might seem like a techie's worst nightmare. But let's clear up any confusion before you accept the cost of an expensive replacement. To assist you in navigating iPhone water damage repairs in Adelaide, the following popular fallacies have been disproved:

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Myth 1: The Magical Cure is Rice

Although this conventional wisdom may appear reasonable, rice is not the iPhone's superhero. Uncooked rice does not greatly absorb interior water damage, and microscopic starch granules can become stuck in buttons and ports.

Myth 2: Drying Time is Accelerated Using the Hairdryer Trick

In fact, using a hair dryer to provide heat might exacerbate the damage. Heat has the power to accelerate corrosion and deform interior components. Place your iPhone in a cool, well-ventilated room and let it air dry naturally.

Myth 3: If Your iPhone Doesn't Turn on Right Away, You Don't Have Any Other Options

Don't quit even if your iPhone doesn't seem to be working at first! Water damage may appear gradually. If you take your iPhone to a professional iPhone repair shop in Adelaide right away, they have the best chance of preserving it using methods like ultrasonic cleaning.

Myth 4: The Only Place to Get Repairs is an Apple Store

Although authorised repairs are available at Apple Stores, they are somewhat expensive. Water damage repairs for iPhones are a speciality of many trustworthy third-party repair companies. They frequently use premium components and charge much less. Just make sure the business employs trained experts and has a good reputation.

Therefore, these are some of the misconceptions about iPhone water damage repairs that you must know. So for quick repairs, don’t just blatantly follow the myths, take your device to the professional technicians who will fix your iPhone with ease.